Does Religion Make People More Ethical?
Do children need religion to grow into good people? Sixty-five percent of Americans think so. And even though younger adults have been leaving traditional faiths in droves, about 48% of them still hold this view. The
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on beliefs and information search, power holders and bribes, attitudes, children and choice, food judgments, gratitude, attitudes toward sexual assault, metacognition, and masculinity-contest cultures in organizations.
2022 Spence Award Mini Episode: Oriel FeldmanHall on Investigating Complex Brain Processes
Under the Cortex talks with 2022 Spence Award winner Oriel FeldmanHall.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on incel activity on social media, the gender-equality paradox in chess, sources of regret, personality structure across nations, feedback and decision-making, early socioeconomic circumstances and physical activity in older adults, stopping actions, and mathematical ability.
Up-and-Coming Voices: The Science of Behavior Change
In this collection of Flash Talks from the 2021 APS Virtual Convention, we highlight talks by students and early-career researchers related to behavioral change.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on information search and choice, intergroup conflict, tactile action, attention and visual search, face learning, noise and anchoring effects, children books and gender, and the impact of teacher mindsets on growth-mindset interventions.