To Make Better Decisions, Pretend You’re Deciding for Someone Else
New York Magazine: Perhaps the very last person you should turn to for advice is yourself, according to a new post from the Association for Psychological Science, which references research published last year in Psychological Science.
Can Money Buy Us Happiness?
U.S. News & World Report: Money can’t buy you happiness, goes the generally accepted wisdom that was probably made up by someone poor, who wanted to bring his rich friends down a few notches. Some
Problems Too Disgusting to Solve
The New Yorker: Early last month, Bill Gates released a video of one of the latest ventures funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: the Omniprocessor, a Seattle-based processing plant that burns sewage to
Want to get conservatives to save energy? Stop the environmentalist preaching
The Washington Post: In San Diego, the solar rooftop market is booming. And no wonder: Electricity is expensive, but sunshine is plentiful – and it doesn’t hurt that California has shined its policy radiance on the solar
Associated Press: You may think you’re immune to transparent sales pitches like “Do you want fries with that?” But the tactics restaurants use to nudge you into spending a little extra may be subtler than
Your Brain May Want That Bottle Of Soda Because It’s Easy To Pick Up
NPR: Here at Goats and Soda, we can’t resist a good story about goats. (See our story about how you know if your goat is happy.) The same goes for soda. So we were intrigued