New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on personality across the world and face impressions, perceptual and cognitive judgments, cognitive control in lemurs, attitude change, fear, social touch, and much more.
How Can I Help? In Times of Need, People Just Want to Feel Supported
More often than not, recipients of support perceive offers of help far more positively than we might expect them to.
‘Not Me, but We’: Identifying With a Group May Boost Individuals’ Sense of Control
Group-based control theory proposes that social identification with agentic in-groups—groups with a common goal—and engagement in collective action allow people to restore and maintain a sense of control and can help efforts feel less futile, even when the odds seem stacked.
2022 Spence Award Mini Episode: Brian Anderson and Habit-Reinforcing Behavior
2022 Spence Award winner Brian Anderson talks about his research on what captures human attention and how that influences behavior.
Why It’s So Hard to Make Risk Decisions in the Pandemic
Over the past two years, I like to think I’ve gotten practiced at a type of wretched multivariable calculus: pandemic decision-making. The process starts with the blue bubble of a texted invitation or a date
Use This Simple Mental Trick to Save More Money
Americans like to spend. Unfortunately, 70% of Americans admit to bad spending habits, leading them to overspend by nearly $7,500 per year. Unless we change our spending habits and learn how to save, we will soon be