World Bank Puts Psychological Science on World Stage
Psychological science is making a big splash in world of international development. This month the World Bank announced a new initiative intended to bring insights from behavioral science directly to the forefront of international development.
De Dreu Receives Hendrik Muller Prize
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences will award the €25,000 Dr. Hendrik Muller Prize for Behavioral and Social Sciences to APS Fellow Carsten De Dreu during a December 14 ceremony. De Dreu is
How Salad Can Make Us Fat
The New York Times: WHEN marketing researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School rigged shopping carts at a major East Coast supermarket with motion-tracking radio-frequency tags, they unwittingly stumbled on a metaphor for our
When Decisions Satisfy, and When They Upset
Should I sign that contract? Should I fire that lazy employee? Should I eat lunch at my desk or go out? Business professionals face a daily dose of decisions like these — some that we
You’re not as virtuous as you think
The Washington Post: I’ve been teaching Stanley Milgram’s electric-shock experiment to business school students for more than a decade, but “Experimenter,” a movie out this week about the man behind the famous social science research
Confidence Spills Over Across Unrelated Decisions
Research on metacognition, or “thinking about thinking,” has explored important puzzles about how humans monitor and control their thoughts. One of these puzzles is why people’s beliefs don’t match with reality — such as why