Robisz karierę? Jesteś hipokrytą i zaliczysz „skok w bok”
Telewizja Polska Spółka Akcyjna: Nie tylko mężczyźni na wysokich stanowiskach częściej zdradzają. Większą skłonność do oszukiwania swych partnerów wykazują też kobiety, które pną się po szczeblach kariery zawodowej – wykazały badania opublikowane w „Psychological Science”.
Dependent people aren’t always passive
The Times of India: The moment you think of a dependent person, an image of someone who’s needy, high-maintenance, and passive comes in front. But dependent people aren’t always passive, according to a study. “In
Dependency and Passivity-You Can Have One without the Other
Think of a dependent person and you think of someone who’s needy, high-maintenance, and passive. That’s how many psychologists and therapists think of them, too; passivity is key. But dependency is actually more complex and
Want to be a macho man? Study finds it’s not easy
The Globe and Mail: It’s an oft-spoofed scene: young men who fail to ‘score’ wailing on each other outside a nightclub. A new paper suggests that manhood is a precarious status—and when it’s threatened, men
‘Fatting in’: Immigrant groups eat high-calorie American meals to fit in
Immigrants to the United States and their U.S.-born children gain more than a new life and new citizenship. They gain weight. The wide availability of cheap, convenient, fatty American foods and large meal portions have
Plus les hommes ont du pouvoir, moins ils sont fidèles
Yahoo France: Le pouvoir et la libido sont-ils étroitement liés? La question mérite d’être posée. Bill Clinton. Newt Gingrich. Eliot Spitzer. Mark Sanford. Le Time s’amuse à citer les hommes politiques dont le point commun