Dealing with Death? Get on Facebook
Discovery News: Anywhere from 1.8 to 3 million Facebook users will die in 2011, according to separate estimates from the digital legacy sites 1000Memories and Entrustet, likely transforming those posthumous profiles into digital epitaphs. With
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…
Should I skip my morning workout today so I can sleep longer? Or perhaps, since it is summer after all, indulge in an ice cold Mocha Frappucino with whipped cream and chocolate syrup drizzled over
Porteros se lanzan más a la derecha cuando van perdiendo
BBC Mundo: Un estudio por investigadores holandeses de las tandas de penaltis en los partidos de los Campeonatos Mundiales de 1982 a 2010 mostró que los arqueros por lo general tenían la misma probabilidad de
When The Brain Decides
Every day we have to make decisions that involve evaluating or choosing between options, often without much information to go on. So how we do it? How do we prevent analysis paralysis? Psychological theory suggests
Our Brains Have Multiple Mechanisms For Learning
One of the most important things humans do is learning this kind of pattern: when A happens, B follows. A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal
Was dem Huhn ins Ohr geht
Bild der Wissenschaft: Die kleinen Hühner wurden für die Tests bereits kurz nach dem Schlüpfen darauf trainiert, einem kleinen roten Plastikzylinder zu folgen. Im eigentlichen Test ein paar Tage später setzten die Forscher sie dann