Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
RTL Belgium: Les chercheurs de l’Université de Leuven (Belgique) ont choisi 12 participants de poids normal et en bonne santé auxquels ils ont injecté des solutions concentrées en acides gras et des solutions de sérum
Why women ‘opt out’ of the workforce
Yahoo India: Washington, July 29 (ANI): A new research from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University have explained why many Americans fail to see persistent gender barriers between man and women at work
The Vitamin Paradox: Do Nutritional Supplements ‘License’ Unhealthy Behavior?
Huffington Post: Last night I had a chocolate milkshake for dinner. I don’t eat like this all the time, but often enough. I eat lots of salads, but I also eat cheeseburgers. And if I’m
Mistakes are more tolerated if you’re the right gender for the job
Financial Post: In these modern times, people can have jobs that weren’t traditionally associated with their genders. Men are nurses; women are chief executives. A new study examines perceptions of people in high-powered jobs and
Study Shows Smokers Cling to Old Fears About the Health Effects of Smoking Cessation Treatments
Yahoo Finance: PARSIPPANY, N.J., July 27, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Nearly half of all smokers in the United States attempt to quit at least once per year, yet the majority of these efforts fail. One factor
Sorg og smerte er individuell
Aftenbladet Norway: KOMMENTAR: Samtidig er det noen av oss som er rammet med en individuell smerte og individuelle tap av sine aller nærmeste. Vi andre kan være der og bidra med vår nærhet og vårt