What Makes You Happy? It May Depend on Your Age
LiveScience: People’s happiness levels change with age, an idea reflected in personal experiences and public opinion polls, but a new study shows that much of that change may boil down to how people define happiness
Prise de risques : Stop aux préjugés hommes/femmes !
France Soir: Cap ou pas cap ? La prise de risque est un phénomène qui intéresse les chercheurs. Selon une étude publiée dans l’édition mensuelle du journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, certaines idées reçues
Don’t copycat an unpopular boss’s behavior, study reminds
MSNBC: Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but mindless mimicry can also make you look like a jerk. That’s the gist of a new study on empathetic body language that will appear in
Eating fatty foods make people feel happier, less lonely, studies show
The New York Daily News: Stress eaters might reach for the pint of ice cream when they’re feeling sad, but not because it tastes good. New research shows that fatty foods act as mood-lifters regardless
Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
Metro France: Une étude belge, publiée cette semaine dans le Journal of Clinical Investigation, renseigne sur les envies d’aliments gras que peuvent éprouver les personnes ayant le morale en berne. Surprise : elles n’auraient rien
Copying Someone’s Behavior? Watch Who You Mimic
LiveScience: While imitating another may be a sincere form of flattery, such mirroring can get you into trouble socially if you’re copying the wrong person, new research shows. When participants in the study mirrored (or