Flagging up bias
The Economist: FLAGS are powerful symbols. They appear on ships, parliaments, schools, lapels and even—sometimes—underwear. Exactly what effect they have on people’s behaviour, though, is seldom a topic of scientific inquiry. Melissa Ferguson of Cornell
Avoir un animal de compagnie n’est pas si bon qu’on le pense pour la santé
MSN France: Howard Herzog, professeur de psychologie à l’université Western Carolina (Caroline du Nord, sud-est), affirme dans cette étude publiée dans le numéro d’août de Tendances en Psychologie (Current Directions in Psychological Science), que toutes
Getting to The Heart of The Appeal of Videogames
San Francisco Chronicle: People spend 3 billion hours a week playing videogames but little is known scientifically about why they are actually fun in the first place. The vast majority of research into videogames has
Will Pets Give You Good Health and Longevity?
Yahoo Taiwan: (法新社華盛頓3日電) 長期以來,寵物飼主被洗腦認為,比起沒養寵物者,自己更快樂、健康又長壽,但美國最新研究指出,這些飼主可能只是「自我感覺良好」。 西卡羅來納大學(Western Carolina University)心理學教授赫佐格 (Howard Herzog)表示,過去針對飼養寵物能否促進健康和長壽的研究,卻發現「夾雜衝突性結果」。 赫佐格在8月號「心理科學最新指南」(Current Directions in Psychological Science)中指出:「無庸置疑,飼養寵物對部分民眾有益,但『養寵物的人比沒養寵物者還健康、快樂或更長壽』的論述,缺乏充足佐證。」 阅读更多/Read more: Yahoo Taiwan
Under Pressure, Soccer Goalies Tend To Dive Right
NPR: The Japanese women’s soccer team stunned the United States a few weeks ago. After a tense match in which Team America seemed to have the upper hand throughout, Japan leveled the game with a
Why mirroring an interviewer’s body language and mannerisms can make you seem incompetent
Daily Mail: It might be considered the sincerest form of flattery, but if you take imitation too far in a job interview you could be giving the wrong impression to a potential employer. While subtle