Frauen sind anders mutig als Männer
Berliner Morgenpost: Frauen sind nicht grundsätzlich weniger risikofreudig als Männer, wie eine Studie der Columbia Business School in New York zeigt. So seien sie zum Beispiel eher bereit als Männer, auch noch mit Mitte 30
Neural Mechanisms of Learning and Decision Making
Using basic neural and computer models, Michael Frank studies how we learn and make decisions. He hopes to shed light on how these pathways lead to more complex cognitive functions, such as working memory and
Study: The Rich Really Are More Selfish
TIME: “Lower-class” individuals—i.e., folks without much money or education—demonstrate more compassion and empathy than their wealthy counterparts, according to a series of psychological studies. In social scientist speak, “self-oriented behavior” is more likely to be
Narcissists’ Self-Interest Makes Them Bad Leaders
LiveScience: Narcissists may think they’d make for good bosses, but a new study shows that their preoccupation with themselves hinders their performance in teamwork situations. Although narcissists have leadership-related qualities, such as confidence, authority and
Men and women perceive risks differently
Yahoo India: The results of a new study have challenged the assumption that women take fewer risks than men, and that adolescents do not consider consequences when making decisions. The new findings depict that the
Spoiler Alert! Knowing the End of a Story Makes It Better, Study Finds
TIME: We might have to change the name of “spoilers” to “giveaways.” They may not be that bad after all. A recent study shows that people enjoy movies, books and other stories when they know