Coffee Break? Walk in the Park? Why Unwinding Is Hard
The Wall Street Journal: A college student deep into studying for a big exam might do well to give his brain a break. Just what he does during that break will determine how helpful that
Men and women take different risks: study
Calgary Herald: A growing number of studies suggest that having women in a company’s boardroom and executive suites fundamentally changes a corporation’s decision-making process – and can improve the balance sheet too. While this is
Could a sandwich stay fresh for years?
The Globe and Mail: “Not sure if you can face eating that train sandwich?” asks The Sunday Times of London. “Soon you might be able to drop it in your briefcase and keep it for
Why that book changed your life
National Post: The claim that a book can change someone’s life is one that’s made over and over again. Usually, we brush it aside as a cliché, but what if it was actually possible? The
Wisdom comes with age, study shows
The Telegraph: Two experiments designed to mirror realistic decision-making scenarios showed that older people were far better at making choices that led to long-term gain. While university-age participants were quicker to make choices which led
Psicologia: Gli Anziani Sono Davvero Piu’ Saggi. Studio Spiega Perche’
Agenzia Stampa Quotidiana Nazionale: Prendere decisioni giuste? Con l’avanzare degli anni si acquista la capacita’ di decidere per il meglio, almeno per quanto riguarda le scelte sul lungo termine. A sostenerlo e’ uno studio pubblicato