Youth vs Age: Who Makes the Better Decisions?
It’s 2031, and you are among the first humans to set foot on Mars. You and the other pioneering astronauts have discovered that there is actually a small amount of oxygen in the Martian atmosphere
Lucky Towns
Men’s Health Magazine: Luck is like that dark matter stuff scientists have spent billions of dollars trying to find with the Large Hadron Collider—a powerful presence that people surmise exists but no one has actually
Allô Maman, j’ovule !
Slate France: Savez-vous ce qu’est l’œstrus ? Il s’agit de ce qu’on appelle communément les “chaleurs” chez les femelles des mammifères, une période d’attractivité sexuelle indiquant qu’elles sont prêtes à être fécondées. On a longtemps
Save the world – but nick a bit of it for yourself
Times Higher Education: If you have ever felt the urge to mug an old lady after buying a package of eco-friendly soap powder, you may not be alone. According to social science publisher Sage’s most
I’m not okay, neither are you
The Sydney Morning Herald: Self-esteem is big business. Peruse the self-help section of any bookshop and you’ll find row after row of books dedicated to feeling good, getting happy and making the most out of
Deux soirées à guichets fermés
Sud Ouest: Le centre culturel de Montignac affichait complet, vendredi et samedi, pour la deuxième mi-temps du duo Jean Bonnefon et Daniel Chavaroche. Les deux artistes étaient de retour pour présenter leur nouveau spectacle «