Does Inequality Make Us Unhappy?
WIRED: Inequality is inevitable; life is a bell curve. Such are the brute facts of biology, which can only evolve because some living things are better at reproducing than others. But not all inequality is
Opting Out or Pushed Out?
Working Mother: Is the American myth of rugged individualism costing women advancement in the workplace? Nicole Stephens, an assistant professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School of Management, and Cynthia S. Levine, a
Color Yourself Happy
AARP Magazine: Having the freedom to change careers or pursue our passions makes us happier than does a hefty bank account, reports the American Psychological Association, which recently published an analysis of multiple studies. Researchers
People rebel when they feel there is a way out
The Economic Times: People stuck with a rule are more likely to tolerate it than people who think the rule isn’t definite. And this could explain many things, from unrequited love to the uprisings in
J. Frank Yates and a Decision-Making Theory for the Real World
Early in his teaching career, one of J. Frank Yates’ students approached him for help with applying decision theory to her own real-life conundrum: Should she have an Indian marriage or an American marriage? At
From the Lab to The Courtroom
The law deals fundamentally with human behavior. It deals with choices people make — to do right or wrong, to lie or tell the truth. It deals with perceptions and memories — what color shirt