Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect When it Comes to Understanding Risk
People aren’t very good at making decisions that involve risk. Many people are afraid of airplanes, although accidents are extremely rare; some people even drive to avoid flying, putting themselves at more risk. A new
Seven Steps for Reinvention in 2012
The Huffington Post: I decided not to make any New Year’s resolutions for 2012. Resolutions are changes we make based on what hasn’t worked. Why not focus on what has worked and create from there?
Impatient? It May Hurt Your Credit Score
Forbes: Your propensity to wait (or not) is also reflected in your credit score, according to a study from researchers at Columbia and Stanford published online in Psychological Science. Patient people tend to have higher
Positive shrinking: Writing about the things that mean most can help us lose weight
Daily Mail: The secret to slimming could be as simple as picking up a pen and writing. In a remarkable indication of the potential power of positive thinking in dieting, researchers found that women who
Study finds drunken people aware of poor decisions
Toronto Star: A new study says that people who commit blunders while under the influence of alcohol know they’re doing it; they just don’t care. This means buzzed or drunken people who engage in embarrassing
Hand Washing: A Deadly Dilemma
The Huffington Post: New Yorker essayist Atul Gawande is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, a prestigious teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard Medical School. A couple years ago, he wrote a profile