Want to Feel Taller? Become the Boss
Science: French president Nicolas Sarkozy (right) is only 5’5” (1.65 meters), but he might not even be aware of it (although his raised heels speak otherwise). That’s because power makes people feel taller than they
Tall tales: Powerful people tend to overestimate height
msnbc: In June 2010, the Swedish-born Chairman of BP Carl-Henric Svanberg touched off a firestorm of controversy with his remarks about his company’s reaction to the Gulf oil spill. “… we care about the small
Meet Your Brain
In December, 2.4 millions viewers watched APS Fellow Bruce Hood deliver the Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas Lectures. The lectures were started in 1825 and target a teenage audience. They have been delivered by
Confidence Matters Just as Much as Ability
Huffington Post: A bulk of research shows that when people are put in situations where they are expected to fail, their performance does plummet. They turn into different people. Their head literally shuts down, and
A Gender-Biased Metric Guides Funding Decisions in Psychology Research
How do psychologists gauge scientific impact? One way is the so-called “journal impact factor,” or JIF, a ranking of a journal derived from the number of citations by other authors to all of the articles
Les puissants se voient plus grands qu’ils ne sont
Le Monde: En avril 2010, la destruction de la plate-forme pétrolière de BP, Deepwater Horizon, provoque la plus importante marée noire jamais enregistrée aux Etats-Unis. Quelques semaines plus tard, le président de BP fait scandale