Do We Care About Future Generations?
Scientific American: We care about our children and the world they’ll inherit. And we care about their children. But when it comes to the generations we won’t be around to know, the ties tend to
The Surprising Upside to Your Long Workday
Men’s Health: Those long, stressful days at the office may come in handy during happy hour, finds a new study in Psychological Science. Researchers exposed men to either a tough or easy mental task, then
How Politicians Use The IDEA Of Choice To Pick Your Pocket On Healthcare, And Everything Else
Forbes: When people act against their self-interest I see a flashing neon sign: Interesting Psychology Here! Consider how people respond to the Affordable Care Act (and indulge me by forgetting all wonkish policy concerns). What
Fremdsprachiges Denken ist vernünftiger (Thinking in a foreign language is rational)
ORF Austria: Der Ton macht bekanntlich die Musik – und nicht nur dieser: Wie der israelisch-amerikanische Psychologe Daniel Kahneman in den 1980er Jahren herausgefunden hat, können selbst staubtrocken formulierte Botschaften völlig unterschiedliche Wirkungen haben. Ob
Eurocopa 2012: El arte de ganar (o perder) una tanda de penaltis [Euro 2012: The art of winning (or losing) a penalty shoot-out]
ABC España: Dos hombres, un balón y una portería separados por once metros. No existe una línea tan fina en el mundo del deporte entre la gloria y el fracaso como la tanda de penaltis
There’s A Reason Americans Pass By Homeless People In The Street Without A Second Glance
Business Insider: Some people’s willingness to accept income inequality has everything to do with their perception of choice, Pacific Standard’s Tom Jacobs reports. Psychologists Krishna Savani of Columbia Business School and Aneeta Rattan of Stanford