Magical Thinking in Decision Making About Companion Animals
We extended contagion, a form of magical thinking, to animate objects. Dogs with identical information were liked less and deemed less adoptable when this information included contact with an undesirable previous owner. The effect seemed
Does McDonald’s have too many items on the menu?
Marketplace: McDonald’s is reportedly paring down its menu. That’s according to a recent Bloomberg story that cites email from McDonald’s to some franchisees. McDonald’s menu now has 145 items, according to Bloomberg, citing menu researcher
Do shoppers feel guilty about Bangladesh?
USA Today: The hottest date at the global retail real estate conference that starts Sunday in Las Vegas is Uniqlo. That’s because Uniqlo is one of the three “big hitters” in retail right now, says
Compassion Can Be Cultivated
Pacific Standard: Can people be taught to act more altruistically? Newly published research, measuring both brain activity and behavior, suggests the answer just may be yes. “Our findings support the possibility that compassion and altruism
Brain Can Be Trained in Compassion, Study Shows
A study shows that training adults in compassion can result in greater altruistic behavior.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. Deliberation’s Blindsight: How Cognitive Load Can Improve Judgments Janina A. Hoffmann, Bettina von Helversen, and Jörg Rieskamp When one is under a high cognitive load, why does