Make Time for Awe
The Atlantic: Jason Silva is a self-described epiphany junkie. He recently enthused to me about how some movies, for example, manage to capture attention and create a complete, immersive transformation for the viewer. In his
The Gift-Giving Mistake Not to Make
TIME: The highest anxiety moment in the holiday season (outside of finding the one dead bulb in a 40-foot string of lights) must be the moment just before your loved ones unwrap their gifts. The
Le sexe dans la pub? Les femmes disent non, sauf pour des marques de luxe (Sex in advertising? Women say no, except for luxury brands)
Slate: Le sexe vend, beaucoup. Mais le sexe dans la pub ne plaît pas à tout le monde, particulièrement pas aux femmes qui perçoivent ces pubs comme dégradantes, voire insultantes. Néanmoins, ce sentiment de répulsion
When Sex Doesn’t Sell
Fast Company: Sex sells, but only at a high price, according to a new study. Overtly sexual advertising can make women downright angry, but they tend to view a sexualized ad for a luxury product
For women, sex in ads may not sell
The Globe and Mail: That’s the message researchers are drawing from a new study, published in the journal Psychological Science, which demonstrates women’s negative reactions toward advertising that uses sexual imagery. “Just a quick exposure
Women Hate Sexy Ads, Unless They’re for Something Expensive
TIME: Women are turned off by sexually explicit images in advertisements. Unless, that is, the item being advertised is very precious. And valuable. And rare. Like, maybe, a once a year type gift. At least