UA study: Divorce can raise risk of early death
USA Today: Be careful. Your health could plummet as if you had taken up smoking, become overweight or started drinking excessively. A new review by the University of Arizona of more than 30 published studies
Thinking About Mortality Changes How We Act
Scientific American: The thought of shuffling off our mortal coil can make all of us a little squeamish. But avoiding the idea of death entirely means ignoring the role it can play in determining our
A Moral Gene?
Scientific American: Morality is often considered to be the domain of philosophers, not biologists. But scientists have often wondered what role our genomes play in directing our moral compass. Today, a paper was published in
Why Thinking About Dying Makes Us More Generous
Huffington Post: You’re visiting a friend who lives on the 20th floor of an old, inner city block of apartments. It’s the middle of the night when you are suddenly awakened from a deep sleep
Imagining the Downside of Immortality
The New York Times: IMAGINE nobody dies. All of a sudden, whether through divine intervention or an elixir slipped into the water supply, death is banished. Life goes on and on; all of us are
Rethinking The Five Stages Of Grief
Hartford Courant: More than 40 years after psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross developed her theory on the five stages of grief, bereavement experts are questioning how well her theories have held up. “It just doesn’t work anymore,”