The Scientific Flaws of Online Dating Sites
Scientific American: Every day, millions of single adults, worldwide, visit an online dating site. Many are lucky, finding life-long love or at least some exciting escapades. Others are not so lucky. The industry—eHarmony, Match, OkCupid
Why Jane Austen would approve of online dating
USA Today: David Merkur is suddenly the poster boy for everything that’s wrong with the crass world of online dating. Merkur, a New York investment banker, created a spreadsheet to keep track of the women
To Predict Dating Success, The Secret’s In The Pronouns
NPR: On a recent Friday night, 30 men and 30 women gathered at a hotel restaurant in Washington, D.C. Their goal was love, or maybe sex, or maybe some combination of the two. They were
Partnersuche: Amor ist online
ORF: Onlinedatings werden immer beliebter. Mittlerweile lernen knapp 25 Prozent aller US-Amerikaner ihre Partner über das Internet kennen, wie eine Überblicksstudie zeigt. In Europa verläuft der Trend ähnlich. “Onlinedating hat den Mainstream erreicht. Und es
Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work
Scientific American: Online dating might give you something, but it’s probably not a soul mate. Most sites rely on what’s called an “exclusive process”—they use an algorithm to find romantic matches based variables, from interests
The search engine for love
The Sydney Morning Herald: It’s easy to play Cupid when both parties are motivated to find love, writes Nicky Phillips. In the winter of 1959, two Stanford University students used the institution’s room-size IBM 650