Big Data and the World of Social Media
“Big Data” eventually will fall out of the hype cycle — but for now, it’s everywhere. In a high-profile manifesto in Science, social scientists were asked to step up and “leverage the capacity to collect
Careless Responding on Internet-Based Surveys
Campus Representative Program The Campus Representative Program is designed to increase communication between students and APS/APSSC. Serving as a Campus Rep is a great way to network with other students and directly connect your campus
Research During Feast and Famine
With a background in developmental psychology and a variable research budget, APS Fellow Albert R. Hollenbeck has helped AARP in a variety of diet and health studies — including a project that revealed coffee’s role in longevity.
Psychological Science Authors Earn Badges for Open Practices
2014 was the first year in which Psychological Science authors were eligible to earn up to three badges in recognition of open scientific practices. Open Data badges are awarded to authors who have made data
The Fault in Our Stats
Just as advancements in technology have revolutionized the collection and measurement of data, new statistics offer an approach to analysis that allows results to be examined and applied in a broader scientific context. A growing
A New Day for Human Subjects Research Participation
No, the recent Facebook mood-manipulation flap is not the reason — but more on that later. A recent government initiative will likely change human subjects protection programs for the better. When does that ever happen