Estes Fund Grants Aim to Raise Awareness of Computational Tools
The William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund, which was created to honor the legacy of influential psychological scientist Bill Estes, has awarded three grants for programs focused on increasing awareness of how computational tools
What Counts As Data?
APS President Susan Goldin-Meadow argues that allowing different kinds of data in psychological science gives researchers ways to test a hypothesis using multiple approaches, thereby strengthening their conclusions.
Why You Should Become a UseR: A Brief Introduction to R
By Sara J. Weston and Debbie Yee
Washington University in St. Louis -
Equivalence Testing With TOSTER
By Daniel Lakens
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Netherlands
YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R
Finding Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Effect Sizes With BootES