Don’t take ‘engaged’ employees for granted
Financial Post: Engaged employees — those who approach their work with energy, dedication, and focus — are more productive and more willing to go the extra mile for their employers. Moreover, engaged workers take the
La ricerca che boccia i ricchi “Più egoisti e insensibili”
La Repubblica Italia: Egoista, insensibile e incredibilmente avaro, l’Arpagone di Molière non avrebbe avuto nessun problema ad ammettere che i ricchi sono diversi dai poveri, e che l’abisso che separa le due categorie non sta
Money can’t buy generosity, study finds
Calgary Herald: Turns out the rich really are different. But not necessarily in the ways we assume. Though economically privileged, people from upper-class backgrounds consistently display deficits in empathy, social engagement, generosity and sensitivity as
Frauen sind anders mutig als Männer
Berliner Morgenpost: Frauen sind nicht grundsätzlich weniger risikofreudig als Männer, wie eine Studie der Columbia Business School in New York zeigt. So seien sie zum Beispiel eher bereit als Männer, auch noch mit Mitte 30
US study questions if pets make owners healthier
Taipei Times: Pet owners have long been encouraged to think that they are happier, healthier and live longer than people without pets, but a new US study claims they might be barking up the wrong
Social Acceptance and Rejection: The Sweet and the Bitter
Psychology researchers have long been interested in close relationships, but have only more recently begun investigating social exclusion.