New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: equanimity and mindfulness training; episodic memory, culture, and well-being; and environmental sensitivity as a predictor of intervention response.
A psychologist helps us understand why life is so different around the world
Michele Gelfand used to be “a sheltered Long Island kid who only saw New York and the world through a cartoon lens.” In college, she went to London for the first time and, surprised by
White threat in a browning America
In 2008, Barack Obama held up change as a beacon, attaching to it another word, a word that channeled everything his young and diverse coalition saw in his rise and their newfound political power: hope.
Research Suggests Exposure to Multiculturalism Prompts People to Inflate the Importance of Race
As the United States—and much of the world—becomes more ethnically diverse, how can we all get along? For many, the obvious answer is multiculturalism, the belief that respecting cultural differences can create a more just
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring individual differences in learning efficiency, cognitive prerequisites for early arithmetic, and gender differences in subjective well-being.
Ability to Identify Genuine Laughter Transcends Culture
People across cultures and continents are largely able to tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real one.