Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
University of Southern California – Brain and Creativity Institute and the Rossier School of Education www-bcf.usc.edu/~immordin/ What does your research focus on? I use an interdisciplinary approach that combines affective and social neuroscience, human development
Véronique Izard
CNRS & Université Paris Descartes, France http://lpp.psycho.univ-paris5.fr/person.php?name=VeroniqueI What does your research focus on? In my research, I am trying to understand the foundations of mathematical thinking. How much of mathematical thinking is grounded in universal
Betsy Levy Paluck
Princeton University, USA www.betsylevypaluck.com What does your research focus on? I’m interested in prejudice and conflict reduction. I’m especially interested in developing and testing theory using field experiments with real world prejudice and conflict reduction
Joan Chiao
Northwestern University, USA http://culturalneuro.psych.northwestern.edu/Lab_Website/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? I conduct research in social affective and cultural neuroscience. Currently, my research adopts a ‘cultural neuroscience’ framework to examine how cultural and genetic factors give
Nationalister mer nöjda med sina liv
Metro Sverige: Personer som är stolta över sitt land är mer nöjda med sina egna liv än andra, konstaterar forskare i Psychological Science. Men det finns tydliga skillnader mellan olika typer av nationalism. De som
Michael Tomasello Honored for Influential Cooperation Research
On December 2, 2011, Michael Tomasello was awarded the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize in a ceremony held at the University of Zurich. The prize included an endowment of 1.2 million Swiss francs, which will