Counting Ability May Emerge From the “Cognitive Technology” of Number Words
Humans’ ability to count may be limited by our knowledge of number words, according to a study of an isolated indigenous group in the Bolivian Amazon.
Written in the Stars: How Humans Pick Out Constellations
Around the world, people have long gazed up at the stars and found meaning in them. The Renaissance polymath Nicolaus Copernicus once wrote, “Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed
Counting Ability May Emerge From the “Cognitive Technology” of Number Words
Humans’ ability to count may be limited by our knowledge of number words, according to a study of an isolated indigenous group in the Bolivian Amazon.
Cowboy Culture Doesn’t Have a Monopoly on Innovation
What does culture have to do with creativity? The answer could be “a lot.” For decades, psychologists trying to understand the roots of creative imaginations have looked at the way two kinds of cultures affect
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on incel activity on social media, the gender-equality paradox in chess, sources of regret, personality structure across nations, feedback and decision-making, early socioeconomic circumstances and physical activity in older adults, stopping actions, and mathematical ability.
Psychological Science Needs the Entire Globe, Part 3
Psychological science’s long-term viability may depend on solving the “WEIRD” problem.