Polluted Air May Pollute Our Morality
Data from archival and experimental studies indicate that exposure to air pollution, either physically or mentally, is linked with unethical behavior such as crime and cheating.
Identifying the Super-Recognizers
Scientists studying the human limitations of face perception have also uncovered a population of people with a remarkable knack for placing a face — a skill now being tapped by police in London.
When a ‘Golden Opportunity’ to Bribe Arises, It’s Hard to Pass Up
The path to corrupt behavior may sometimes be a steep cliff instead of a slippery slope, according to new findings in Psychological Science. In four studies, psychology researchers find that people are more likely to engage in bribery if
Police Body Cameras Are Pointless Unless Cops Use Them Correctly
The Huffington Post: Officers involved in at least two controversial fatal police shootings this month failed to activate their body-worn cameras, leaving critical gaps in evidence that threaten to undermine the primary purpose of the devices.
Changing Habits for the Long Haul
Psychology researchers present cutting-edge science that may help us adopt newer, healthier, or safer behaviors.
Scenes From Convention