What a Mess: Chaos and Creativity
One of the most influential ideas about crime prevention to come out in recent years is something called the “broken windows theory.” According to this theory, small acts of deviance—littering, graffiti, broken windows—will, if ignored
The Goal of Creativity
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the 24th APS Annual Convention. Marieke Roskes, University of Amsterdam, presented her research on overcoming the cognitive costs of creativity. If you struggle with creativity
Problem Solving in a Doggy Age
San Francisco Chronicle: Allow me to quote from the first paragraph of an article on the site Science Daily: “Stuck solving a problem? Seek the obscure, says Tony McCaffrey, a psychology PhD from the University
“La creatività? Basta allenarsi” Il talento non è indispensabile
La Repubblica: NON BASTAVANO i 15 minuti di notorietà di cui parlava Andy Warhol. Secondo lo psicologo cognitivo Anthony McCaffrey tutti, prima o poi, avremo anche il nostro portentoso momento di creatività. Che di minuti
Now, seek the obscure to solve your problems
Yahoo India: A US researcher has come up a new technique that allows people to solve their problems systematically by using innovative ideas. According to Tony McCaffrey, a psychology PhD from the University of Massachusetts
Stumped by a Problem? This Technique Unsticks You
Stuck solving a problem? Seek the obscure, says Tony McCaffrey, a psychology PhD from the University of Massachusetts. “There’s a classic obstacle to innovation called ‘functional fixedness,’ which is the tendency to fixate on the