Men with Happier Childhoods Have Stronger Relationships in Old Age
Scientific American: Between 1938 and 1942, while the U.S. was preoccupied with the end of the Great Depression and its entry into World War II, researchers in Boston were busy embarking on a study of Visit Page
Childhood Family Environment Linked With Relationship Quality 60 Years Later
Longitudinal data suggest growing up in a warm family environment in childhood is associated with feeling more secure in romantic relationships in one’s 80s. Visit Page
Effect of Commitment on Forgiveness Investigated in Large-Scale Replication Project
After a betrayal of trust, what motivates an aggrieved partner to try and resolve the problem instead of walking away or seeking revenge? Many studies have indicated that how people respond to a partner’s betrayal Visit Page
Does More Sex Lead to a Better Relationship?
Shape: We’ve all got those friends who swear they’re super satisfied with their relationship even though the last time they got busy was weeks ago. Well, according to a new study, they’re not just B.S.-ing Visit Page
Does Frequent Sex Lead to Better Relationships? Depends on How You Ask
Newlyweds who have frequent sex don’t report greater relationship satisfaction than those who have less sex, but their automatic behavioral responses tell a different story. Visit Page
Responsive Partners Show Two Kinds of Empathy
When stress sets in, many of us turn to a partner to help us manage, relying on the partner to provide a sounding board or shoulder to cry on. A new study on close relationships Visit Page