A Scientific Dating Insight: Create Uncertainty
Scientific American: Five years ago I had the misfortune of beginning a relationship one week before Valentine’s day. Long hours and many glasses of wine were consumed trying to develop the perfect strategy to court Visit Page
Men: Keep Your Pokerface in Love
MSNBC: Love is like a game of poker. You shouldn’t give away exactly how you feel too soon. At least according to a study published in Psychological Science. College women found men more attractive if Visit Page
Health benefits of falling and staying in love
The Washington Post: Love may make the world go ’round, but is it powerful enough to lower one’s blood pressure, reduce depression and speed the healing of an injury? With Valentine’s Day just around the Visit Page
Talk like your sweetie? What that says about your relationship
The Today Show: It was around the time when Emily Taffel-Schaper accidentally called her mom “dude” when she realized: She was starting to talk exactly like her now-husband, Fritz Schaper. “Sometimes I even notice myself Visit Page
Language Style Predicts Romantic Chemistry
Discovery News: Language style affects long-term relationship strength and the compatibility of existing and would-be couples, suggests a new study. Led by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, the study — featured in the Visit Page
The Language of Young Love: The Ways Couples Talk Can Predict Relationship Success
We know that people tend to be attracted to, date, and marry other people who resemble themselves in terms of personality, values, and physical appearance. However, these features only skim the surface of what makes Visit Page