How Feelings of Disconnection and Lack of Control Fuel Conspiracy Beliefs
Analysis – Conspiracy theories have always been a part of society, offering explanations – sometimes simple, often elaborate – for complex events. Some have uncovered genuine conspiracies, such as the Watergate scandal. Most lack substance but Visit Page
This Chatbot Pulls People Away From Conspiracy Theories
Shortly after generative artificial intelligence hit the mainstream, researchers warned that chatbots would create a dire problem: As disinformation became easier to create, conspiracy theories would spread rampantly. Now, researchers wonder if chatbots might also offer Visit Page
Why People Become Overwhelmed by Conspiracy Theories — and How To Help Them
“I pray you will not be a journalist for the deep state,” Albert Samaha’s mother told him when he began working as a reporter for BuzzFeed News. As her son was publishing research on COVID-19 Visit Page
Why People Latch on to Conspiracy Theories, According to Science
Insurgents swarmed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 to create chaos and defy legislators who had gathered to certify electoral votes. The presidential election, they say, was stolen—a belief encouraged by a powerful and trusted leader. Visit Page
A Theory About Conspiracy Theories
More than 1 in 3 Americans believe that the Chinese government engineered the coronavirus as a weapon, and another third are convinced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has exaggerated the threat of Visit Page
APS Backgrounder Series: Psychological Science and COVID-19: Conspiracy Theories
What does psychological science have to say about conspiracy theories, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic? [May 27, 2020] Visit Page