Don’t Hurt That Robot! How Morality Muddles Perception of a Mind
LiveScience: Although people can’t directly experience the consciousness of another, they take for granted that other people have minds — that others can think, remember, experience pleasure and feel pain. People, however, don’t typically attribute
People Attribute Minds to Robots, Corpses That Are Targets of Harm
As Descartes famously noted, there’s no way to really know that another person has a mind — every mind we observe is, in a sense, a mind we create. Now, new research suggests that victimization
The Riddle of Consciousness
The New Yorker: A few weeks ago, while staying with my in-laws, my four-month-old son woke up at two-thirty in the morning. He was hungry, and, knowing that he would not be coaxed back to
2013 Swag in DC
Attendees will be snagging APS swag in the Exhibit Hall at this year’s Convention. Visit the APS Booth for free pens, pocket buddy notebooks, hand sanitizers, experiMINTs to freshen your breath, “Risky Business” sunglasses, a
Nancy Adler
University of California, San Francisco James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award Nancy Adler has been a pioneer in health psychology, having co-edited the first textbook on that topic and run one of the first graduate programs
‘B’ is for orange: Synesthesia linked to alphabet magnets in small study
NBC: While Nathan Witthoft was earning his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he met a woman with color-grapheme synesthesia, a neurological condition where people see letters and numbers in color. Most color-grapheme synesthetes perceive