How to Tell When Someone Is Lying
The New Yorker: On January 27, 2008, Penny Boudreau’s twelve-year-old daughter, Karissa, went missing in her hometown of Bridgewater, Canada. That afternoon, mother and daughter had had a fight in a grocery-store parking lot. They’d
The Search for Our Inner Lie Detectors
The New York Times: Is a job applicant lying to you? What about your boss, or an entrepreneur who is promising to double your investment? Most of us are bad at spotting a lie. At
Sounds true, but you seem like a liar
The Boston Globe: Can you spot a liar? No, but you can sense a liar. That’s the implication of new research from psychologists at the University of California Berkeley. After watching videos of suspects being
Wie man einen Lügner erkennt (How to recognize a liar)
ORF Austria: Haben Sie schon mal einen Profi-Pokerspieler im Moment des Turniergewinns gesehen? Bei uns Normalverbrauchern würde all die Anspannung sichtbar abfallen, und wir würden jubeln angesichts des Batzen Geldes, den man als Sieger einstreift.
By the Numbers
Studies on human development have shown that even as infants, we have an approximate sense of numbers and amounts. How does this underlie our ability to perform complex calculations? Stanislas Dehaene explores this question through
Truth or lie – trust your instinct, says research
BBC: We are better at identifying liars when we rely on initial responses rather than thinking about it, say psychologists. Generally we are poor at spotting liars – managing only slightly better than flipping a