What scientists are doing about creepy CGI humans
msnbc: A century ago, psychologists identified “the uncanny” as an experience that seems familiar yet foreign at the same time, causing some sort of brain confusion and, ultimately, a feeling of fear or repulsion. Originally Visit Page
Loving the iPhone? Thank Steve Jobs and Human-Computer Interactions
iTechnologies pave the way for new fields of psychological science The late Steve Jobs is considered the Thomas Edison of our time. His innovations not only sold in a down economy, but the technology created Visit Page
‘Evil Scientist’ Wants To Teach People To Do Good
NPR: In 1971, at Stanford University, a young psychology professor created a simulated prison. Some of the young men playing the guards became sadistic, even violent, and the experiment had to be stopped. The results Visit Page
Cattell Sabbatical Awardees Announced
Douglas L. Medin and Alison Gopnik have been awarded this year’s James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships. These awards provide an extended sabbatical period that allows the recipient to pursue new research. They are available to Visit Page
The Unexpected Consensus Among Voting Methods
Historically, the theoretical social choice literature on voting procedures in economics and political science routinely highlights worst case scenarios, emphasizing the inexistence of a universally ‘best’ voting method. Indeed, the Impossibility Theorem of Nobel Laureate Visit Page