The Upside of Rivalry: Higher Motivation, Better Performance
How do great rivalries in sports and business drive the performance of the competitors? A recent study provides some answers.
Should Kids Get A Trophy For Showing Up?
NPR: Talk about a spirited debate … Just Google the question, “Should kids get trophies for participation?”, and the first page yields headlines like “Losing Is Good For You” and “Hell YES all the little
When Kids Start Playing To Win
NPR: This week, NPR Ed is focusing on questions about why people play and how play relates to learning. It’s a playful word that’s developed something of a bad reputation: “competition.” The fear among some parents is
Putting Thought Into Action
How do we get from thoughts to actions? David Rosenbaum’s research focuses on answers to that question. Using a range of research methods, including behavioral observation, brain-wave recordings, and computational modeling, Rosenbaum studies the planning
When to Make the First Move
When Michael Jordan’s agent set out to negotiate a new contract with the Chicago Bulls for his client back in the mid 90s, he anticipated that the team’s managing partner would lowball the salary offer.
Warum Jamaika nicht beim Bobfahren gewinnt (Why not win at Jamaica Bobsledding)
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Vermutlich werden Winston Watt und Marvin Dixon, das Zweier-Bob-Team aus Jamaika, auch bei den diesjährigen Olympischen Winterspielen in Sotschi keine Medaille gewinnen. Über die Gründe lässt sich viel spekulieren, doch eine Ursache ist