Rethinking the Value of Pets
The New York Times: Think an elderly family member is better off with a pet? You may want to think again. Sure, there have been hundreds of articles claiming dogs and cats can lower blood
Taking Another Look at the Roots of Social Psychology
Psychology textbooks have made the same historical mistake over and over. Now the inaccuracy is pointed out in a new article published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Awakening Your Inner Materialist
The Huffington Post: I don’t see myself as especially materialistic, and you probably don’t see yourself that way either. The fact is, I don’t know anyone who actually takes pride in acquiring more and more
Awakening Your Inner Materialist
I don’t see myself as especially materialistic, and you probably don’t see yourself that way either. The fact is, I don’t know anyone who actually takes pride in acquiring more and more stuff, and many
Look Out, Kids: Competitiveness Peaks in Middle Age
Miller-McCune: In our culture, competitiveness is usually associated with youth. Think of sporting contests, music competitions (both of the classical virtuoso and pop diva varieties), or the pressure-packed process of applying to prestigious universities. It
How do siblings shape your personality?
The Boston Globe: Research has long established that parents play an integral role in shaping our personalities, but scientists are now finding that our siblings may contribute just as much, or perhaps even more. In