Do Babies Know When They’re Skyping?
The Atlantic: Long before most babies toddle or talk, they begin to make sophisticated inferences about the world around them. By as young as 3 months old, newborns can form expectations based on physical principles
Brain on Sports Podcast: The athletic payoffs of positive body language
Sports Illustrated: “This is Your Brain on Sports” is a new podcast from Sports Illustrated in which SI executive editor Jon Wertheim and Tufts University psychology professor Sam Sommers explore the intersection of sports and human nature—what
Conversation Piece
The Chronicle of Higher Education: These quotations, in their various ways, get to a deceptively simple truth about good writing. That is, it should be similar to speech, but … The “but” is expressed by
Leveraging Psychological Science
Despite substantial advances in medical science, patients often do not get the full benefit of health care: They fail to seek medical attention when they need it, neglect to finish prescriptions, seek unnecessary (and expensive)
You’re A Distracted Driver Even When You Ignore That Text
By now, drivers should be well aware of the dangers posed by using a mobile phone while driving. Each day 9 people are killed, and more than 1,153 people are injured in crashes due to
Political Polarization on Twitter Depends on the Issue
While people tend to share political information with those who have similar ideological preferences, research indicates that Twitter is more than just an “echo chamber.”