New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the social effects of gossiping about deviance, sex differences in kids’ use of spatial language, and sample-size planning for accurate statistical power.
Quality Beats Quantity in Team Communications
A team that communicates frequently isn’t necessarily communicating effectively, researchers find.
Science Is Not a Spectator Sport
APS President Suparna Rajaram encourages scientists, from new majors to tenured professors, to help communicate the value of our science.
How to Fight ‘Fake News’ (Warning: It Isn’t Easy)
The New York Times: No, the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup is not being discontinued. No, Earth will not be plunged into darkness for 15 days. And, no, Katy Perry did not broker peace with the
Pacific Standard: The ultimate weapon against such disinformation would be a less credulous public. But given our tendency to believe “facts” that confirm our biases—and for startling but unverified assertions to stick in our brains—is
Counterarguments Are Critical to Debunking Misinformation
To correct misinformation and “fake news,” you need to provide a detailed counter-message with new information.