Bilingualism Is Reworking This Language’s Rainbow
Like the ancient Greek of Homer’s time, the Tsimane’ language has no set word for the parts of the color spectrum English speakers call “blue.” Although Tsimane’ does name a number of more subjective hues
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on factors that predict faster spread of COVID-19, how optimism might decrease unethical behaviors during the pandemic, development of language perception, color-emotion associations, moral choice, decision making, and well-being and person-culture match.
Color Terminology May Influence What We Do and Don’t See
It’s possible for your native language to influence not only how you perceive certain colors, but whether or not you see can see something at all.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring how we think about our interests, language and visual consciousness, and nonverbal behavior in close relationships.
To Focus Attention, Think On Your Feet, Not Your Seat
Standing may lead to quick thinking when taking on cognitively demanding tasks.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of articles exploring evaluative processing and amygdala activity, genomic imprinting and the psychology of music, and neural representation of color ensembles.