Why Coffee Shops Boost Concentration
New research might explain why many people who have the option of working from home readily swap out their pajamas for pants and their couch for a seat at the local coffee shop – sitting
With Food, Similar Substitutes Are Less Satisfying
While people tend to prefer the food option that’s most similar to the item they can’t have, they’re likely to be more satisfied with the option that diverges a bit.
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Slate: Ne vous a-t-on jamais dit que la curiosité est un vilain défaut? Une étude démontre que si celle-ci a permis de faire avancer l’humanité, elle nous pousse parfois à prendre des décisions que nous savons
Some Vowel Sounds Pack a Punch for Brands
When naming a company or a product, marketers may want to pay extra attention to the exact syllables they’re considering. New research demonstrates that specific sounds can convey an impressive amount of symbolic meaning, which
Are Digital Billboards Dangerously Distracting?
Digital ads use bright lights, rotating images, and flashy content to get your attention, but do they take your eyes (and your mind) off the road long enough to create a hazard? Digital billboards —
UNSW researchers find human intuition does exist
The Sydney Morning Herald: Ever had a hunch? Gone with a gut instinct? Felt something in your bones? People have long believed in intuition: the idea that we can make successful decisions without rational, analytical