Change Your Mind-Set, Reduce Your Chronic Pain
Humans, like other animals, are born with an instinctive motivation to escape pain. Think about the last time you touched something painfully hot and how quickly you pulled away from it. Your quick and automatic Visit Page
The Myth of ‘Learning Styles’
In the early ‘90s, a New Zealand man named Neil Fleming decided to sort through something that had puzzled him during his time monitoring classrooms as a school inspector. In the course of watching 9,000 Visit Page
The person who’s best at lying to you is you
In 2008, the psychiatrist Stephen Greenspan published The Annals of Gullibility, a summary of his decades of research into how to avoid being gullible. Two days later, he discovered his financial advisor Bernie Madoff was Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring certainty in advice giving, boundary conditions for growth mindset effects, polygenic scores and criminal offending, and strategic modulation of mind wandering. Visit Page
Are We Already Living in Virtual Reality?
Thomas Metzinger had his first out-of-body experience when he was nineteen. He was on a ten-week meditation retreat in the Westerwald, a mountainous area near his home, in Frankfurt. After a long day of yoga Visit Page
“You’re no genius”: Her father’s shutdowns made Angela Duckworth a world expert on grit
Angela Duckworth is the world’s leading expert on “grit,” the much-hyped ingredient in personal success. As Duckworth defines it, grit is passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along Visit Page