New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring the suspicious-coincidence effect in word learning and factors that influence how we judge whether sentences are grammatically correct. Visit Page
Older Adults’ Abstract Reasoning Ability Predicts Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Data from a longitudinal study show that age-related declines in abstract reasoning ability predict increasing depressive symptoms in subsequent years. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring links between income inequality and psychological health and ethical free riding. Visit Page
Hershey’s thinks you’ll feel better about eating a thin Reese’s Cup. You’ll probably just eat (and buy) more.
When Hershey’s debuted a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup that will be 40 percent thinner than the original, the company said “consumers love Reese’s in all shapes and sizes.” To at least one chocolate and peanut Visit Page
2019 William James Fellow Award Goes to Phelps, Gilbert, Nadel, Werker
APS Past President Elizabeth A. Phelps, along with Daniel T. Gilbert, Lynn Nadel, and Janet F. Werker, are recognized for lifetime achievement in the basic science of psychology. Visit Page
Cognitive Training Focused on Consequences May Promote Healthier Habits
Interventions to reduce unwanted behaviors often focus on retraining people’s mental associations, but showing people the consequences of the behaviors may be more effective. Visit Page