Hyper-binding ain’t for sissies
Imagine this hypothetical scenario: You’re at a cocktail party and the host introduces you to a stranger, whose name is Jeremy. It’s a crowded party, and as you chat with Jeremy, you’re also picking up
The future is lookin’ sweet
Many addiction recovery programs teach a principle called HALT. HALT is an acronym for Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired, and the idea is that any one of these conditions of mind and body can be a threat to continued
A broken heart? Take two Tylenol and call me . . .
Anyone who has ever experienced heartache knows that the “ache” is not metaphorical. Hearts and minds can hurt with the intensity of a migraine. Rejection and isolation can break one’s spirits as surely as a
Learning Styles Debunked: There is No Evidence Supporting Auditory and Visual Learning, Psychologists Say
Although numerous studies have identified different kinds of learning (such as “auditory” and “visual”), that research has serious flaws, according to a comprehensive report.
Parents Gone Wild? Study Suggests Link Between Working Memory and Reactive Parenting
We’ve all been in situations before where we get so frustrated or angry about something, we will lash out at someone without thinking. This lashing out — reactive negativity — happens when we can’t control
The Link Between Weight and Importance
Weighty. Heavy. What do these words have to do with seriousness and importance? Why do we weigh our options, and why does your opinion carry more weight than mine? New research suggests that we can