Full Bladder, Better Decisions? Controlling Your Bladder Decreases Impulsive Choices
What should you do when you really, REALLY have to “go”? Make important life decisions, maybe. Controlling your bladder makes you better at controlling yourself when making decisions about your future, too, according to a
Study suggests link between stress hormone and PTSD in women
The Los Angeles Times: Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a lingering psychological response to a major traumatic event. And researchers studying the condition now have a clue about its development. Hint: Women and men
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio: Gordon Bower
National Medal of Science winner Gordon Bower sat down with APS President Walter Mischel for the annual “Inside the Psychologist’s Studio” event at the APS 21st Annual Convention. The two long-time friends and colleagues discussed
Science Starts Early
Science: Infants and young children can exhibit striking confusion about how the world works, from failing to grasp that wind causes waves, to being mystified about how babies are created. Indeed, some researchers have characterized
Making the ‘Irrelevant’ Relevant to Understand Memory and Aging
Age alters memory. But in what ways, and why? These questions comprise a vast puzzle for neurologists and psychologists. A new study looked at one puzzle piece: how older and younger adults encode and recall
How to cut your losses on a bad investment
The Globe and Mail: Your dream house has turned out to be a money pit. The roof is crumbling. The foundation is sinking. The plumbing needs a complete overhaul. You’ve already gone way over budget