Angela Duckworth
University of Pennsylvania www.sas.upenn.edu/~duckwort/ What does your research focus on? I study individual differences that predict achievement. In particular, I’m interested in self-control, defined as the regulation of emotion, attention, and behavior in the service
Is Google Ruining Your Memory?
Wired: By now, you’ve probably heard about this smart study showing that Google is making you stupid, led by Betsy Sparrow at Columbia. The scientists demonstrated that the availability of the internet is changing the nature
Online search engines may be affecting memory, studies say
Washington Post: Search engines may be changing the way our brains remember information, according to research released Thursday. In a series of experiments, Columbia University psychologist Betsy Sparrow and her colleagues produced evidence that people
Need to remember something? Think of the dentist or dead cats
MSNBC: If you want to remember new information, looking at photographs that stir up negative emotions may do the trick, suggests new research from Psychological Science. Yeah, we know that sounds counterintuitive — but it
Anxiety makes searchers miss multiple objects
Times of India: A new study has found that a person scanning baggage or X-rays can miss out on multiple objects during searches if they were feeling anxious. Duke psychologists put a dozen students through
Anger Primes, Task Difficulty, and Effort-Related Cardiac Reactivity
I’m Laure Freydefont from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. In French: This 2 (prime: anger vs. sadness) x 2 (task difficulty