Ciò che vediamo non sempre rispecchia la realtà
La Stampa: “Se non vedo non ci credo”… Oppure: “credo solo ai miei occhi”… e via discorrendo, i modi di dire sono tanti mentre la realtà dovrebbe essere una sola, per tutti. Invece, pare non
Wisdom comes with age, study shows
The Telegraph: Two experiments designed to mirror realistic decision-making scenarios showed that older people were far better at making choices that led to long-term gain. While university-age participants were quicker to make choices which led
Web Surfing Helps at Work, Study Says
The Wall Street Journal: Don’t feel guilty about browsing the Internet at work—turns out it may actually improve your performance. According to a new study, Web browsing can actually refresh tired workers and enhance their
Inside the Mind of a Creationist
Huffington Post: Texas governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry is ambivalent about the “theory” of evolution. He says it’s just one theory that’s out there, on equal footing with creationism. He’s proud of the fact
Inside the Mind of a Creationist
Texas governor and Presidential candidate Rick Perry is ambivalent about the “theory” of evolution. He says that it’s just a one theory that’s out there, on equal footing with creationism. He’s proud of the fact
Understanding Academic Stressors
Whether it’s before a big presentation, during an exam, or after grades have been posted, at some point or another, everyone experiences stress in school. Sian Beilock’s research analyzes how stress in academic settings affects