Les SMS ont-ils contaminé votre cerveau ?
Slate France: Selon ABI Research, un cabinet d’études spécialisé dans les nouvelles technologies, ils’enverra plus de 7 000 milliards de SMS dans le monde au cours de l’année 2011. Etant donné que la population de
How Psychology Solved A WWII Shipwreck Mystery
NPR: In November 1941, two ships crossed paths off the coast of Australia. One was the German raider HSK Kormoran. The other: an Australian warship called the HMAS Sydney. Guns were fired, the ships were
Los babuinos son capaces de establecer analogías
RTVE: Un equipo de expertos afirma haber hallado que los monos babuinos son capaces de establecer analogías a pesar de no disponer de un lenguaje, de forma que pueden relacionar dos contextos diferentes pero simbólicamente
A Few Strokes of the Past in an Artist Who Lost Her Memory
The New York Times: “Can I draw something for you — what should I draw?” Lonni Sue Johnson asked, but she didn’t wait for an answer. She drew a squiggly line that became a curly
A ‘self’ portrait of an artist with memory loss
The Washington Post: Art, its creators will tell you, is the result of introspection, the often painful process of digging into the past, into dreams of what might be and nightmares of what was. The
OppNet Request for Applications for Three-year Research Projects: Basic Research on Decision Making(R01)
OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network, released a new RFA for three-year research projects: Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective, and developmental perspectives (R01). Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective