APS Lab Profiles: Meet the Scientists!
George Mason University Arch Laboratory Fairfax, Virginia, USA Bridging theory, experimentation, and application in the cognitive sciences. Raja Parasuraman Carryl Baldwin Deborah Boehm-Davis Matt Peterson Tyler Shaw Jim Thompson Robert Youmans Meet the Scientists: Raja
Oscar psychology: Why celebrities fascinate us
Today: From the Oscar’s red carpet to the tabloids lining supermarket checkout lines, celebrity obsession is everywhere. Even the most casual moviegoer might find him or herself flipping through a slideshow of Academy Award fashion
When Truisms Are True
The New York Times: What ignites the engine of creativity? A popular metaphor in American business urges you to think “outside the box.” Folk wisdom advises that problem-solving is helped by thinking about something “on
Droitier vs gaucher : des décisions influencées
Yahoo: Si les scientifiques ont déjà élucidé de nombreuses différences dans le fonctionnement du cerveau chez les droitiers et les gauchers, ils sont encore loin d’avoir tout dévoilé. Une nouvelle étude publiée dans la revue
More fatal accidents among older drivers, report finds
Washington Post: Older drivers are much more likely to die in intersection crashes, and with each passing year the task of making a left turn becomes more challenging, according to a report released Wednesday. The
Peter Ayton: To Risk or Not to Risk
Peter Ayton, a researcher from City University London, UK, investigates how people make judgments and decisions under conditions of risk, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Ayton will be speaking at the Invited Symposium Emotional Influences on Decision