How To Have More Self Control: Look At The Big Picture
The Huffington Post: Thinking about the big picture instead of the little steps required along the way can help to give us the self-control we need to reach a goal, according to new research. This
Goal-oriented activity speeds perception of time
Examiner: Scientists Philip Gable and Bryan Pool of the University of Alabama recently decided to investigate the old saying “time flies when you are having fun”. Although they suspected there was some truth to the
Talk Yourself Into Top Performance
Forbes: In the privacy of our minds, we all talk to ourselves — an inner monologue that might seem rather pointless. As one scientific paper on self-talk asks: “What can we tell ourselves that we
Time Flies When You’re Having Goal-Motivated Fun
Though the seconds may tick by on the clock at a regular pace, our experience of the ‘fourth dimension’ is anything but uniform. When we’re waiting in line or sitting in a boring meeting, time
Remembering Edward E. Smith
On behalf of the APS Board, we have the sad duty to report that recent Board member and APS William James Fellow Edward E. Smith died on August 17, 2012, at the age of 72.
Bjork, Nosofsky Recognized with Awards
In an award ceremony at Rice University, two notable APS members accepted the most prestigious awards given by the Society of Experimental Psychologists. APS Past President Robert A. Bjork received the Norman Anderson Lifetime Achievement