Why We Lie: Time Is A Factor, Study Suggests
The Huffington Post: Lying: Everyone does it, even though we know we shouldn’t. So what makes us do it? Desire for acceptance, preservation of self-esteem, not wanting to get in trouble — any number of
Truthiness Explained
Truthiness — it’s what satirist Stephen T. Colbert calls “the truth that you feel in your gut, regardless of what the facts support.” Now APS Member Eryn J. Newman, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Taste buds and ‘tude: The food and mood link
Los Angeles Times: Research sheds light on how food affects mood and the flip side: how emotions impact taste. All day, food metaphors weave their way into our thoughts about others. Watching someone cut in
The Creativity of the Wandering Mind
Pacific Standard: Do you have a numbingly dull job, one so monotonous that you frequently find your mind wandering? Well, congratulations: without realizing it, you have boosted your creative potential. Mindless tasks that allow our
Personality Dynamics Through the Lens of Cognitive Science
With the goal of advancing a cognitive neuroscience of personality dynamics, leading researchers from the United States and Europe gathered in Trieste, Italy on July 10, 2012 to present cutting-edge findings on the neural and
Perspectives Article Wins 2011 Best Paper Award
A paper published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, “The situated inference model: An integrative account of the effects of primes on perception, behavior, and motivation” was awarded the 2011 Best Paper Award from the International